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This page sets out Henfield CC Colts Section’s behavioural policy for training and match days. The purpose of the policy is to establish a common understanding for players, parents, coaches and team managers with regards to expected player behaviours, and the actions that coaches and team managers may take.

All players attending training and matches are expected to:

  • Arrive and depart on time.
  • Sign in and out with the relevant team manager.
  • Focus on the cricket – this is the reason they participate.
  • Remain on the open, grassed area of the Common for the duration of training or matches. The adjacent woods are strictly out of bounds during these periods.
  • Listen attentively to the instructions and safety advice offered by the coaches (as they would to teachers at school). The club considers it to be disrespectful to the coach, team manager and other players if a player talks over or interrupts in other ways while instructions or coaching is being given.
  • Perform the warm ups, drills, exercises and games, as instructed by their captains or coaches. This extends to batting order, bowling order and field placement during match days.
  • Be polite to, and respectful of, all players, parents, coaches and team managers.
  • Voice any worries or concerns that they might have to their coach, team manager or the Club’s Welfare Officer.
  • Abide by the club’s anti-bullying policy.

All coaches and team managers delivering or supervising training and matches are expected to:

  • Prepare for each training session and match day, using a ‘session plan’ or equivalent.
  • Communicate their instructions and advice clearly and politely.
  • Listen to and respect the opinions of the children.
  • Abide by the club’s anti-bullying policy.
  • Abide by the club’s code of conduct.

In the event that a player is deemed by a coach or team manager to be behaving in a way that is contrary to the spirit and intent of this policy, they can be expected to take the following actions:

  • First infringement: communicate directly with the child(ren), addressing the behaviour itself and issuing a clear message that it should not continue.
  • Second infringement: removing the child(ren) from field of practice or play for a 5-10 minute ‘cooling off’ period, under the supervision of a team manager or coach.
  • Third infringement: calling the parents of the child(ren) requesting that they be picked up early and removed from the training or match.

The Club reserves the right to use player behaviour as a criteria in selection for match day teams, and to sanction repeated bad behaviour. The latter may include – in extremis – removing the membership of player.

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